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Water Footprint Compensation broadens its Coalition of the Willing at AIWW 2023

Water Footprint Implementation wrapped up an intense year of events with the 2023 edition of the Amsterdam International Water Week (AIWW 2023) which took place between the 6th and 8th of November.

The main goal of our participation was to expand our Coalition of the Willing for the newly launched Water Footprint Compensation concept. WFI managing director, Ioana Dobrescu, provided an update on the journey so far and the road ahead:

Earlier in March this year, WFI has successfully launched Water Footprint Compensation during the United Nations Water Conference in New York. In this first phase, we laid the methodological foundation for a first-of-its-kind water offset scheme based on the principle of “a litre for a litre”. Its ultimate goal is to accelerate the transition to a water secure world by providing businesses with the enabling knowledge and a robust platform to offset their water consumption.

Since then, WFI has joined forces with the Association of Dutch Water Operators (WaterWorX), Blue Deal Netherlands, the Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP) and Akvo Foundation to bring the initiative into its second phase: develop and build the methodological framework and digital infrastructure underpinning a global Water Footprint Compensation scheme.

We were thrilled by the enthusiastic response from the attendees at AIWW 2023 and the many proposals for collaboration received.

Water Footprint Implementation - AIWW-WFI-2023-Water-Footprint-Compensation

Participating at AIWW 2023 was another occasion to reinforce our commitment to not only assess water consumption and provide strategic insights but to actively address water impacts pushing for a future where businesses prioritize water stewardship in line with new regulatory developments such as the Corporate Social Responsibility Directive (CSRD) and the Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).

Stay tuned for our next big update on Water Footprint Compensation in 2024!