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Water Footprint Compensation launch event, Netherlands edition

With the occasion of The Ocean Race stopover in the Hague, Water Footprint Implementation is happy to invite their network to an afternoon of culture and science at the Museon-Omniversum.


Earlier in March this year, at the United Nations 2023 Water Conference in New York, WFI launched the draft methodology for Water Footprint Compensation, a novel concept aiming to support organizations take their next big step in achieving fair and smart use of the world’s freshwater, and gave the audience an early look into the digital platform for Water Footprint Compensation projects.

Together with our inspirational launching partner, 11th Hour Racing Team, we are organizing a Netherlands edition of the Water Footprint Compensation launch.

In addition to a short introduction to the Water Footprint Compensation concept, our partners at 11th Hour Racing Team and Sun Glacier will speak to the importance of Water Footprint Compensation to further freshwater sustainability and showcase an innovative example of a compensation solution.

To round up this science meets culture event, our hosts at Museon-Omniversum have prepared a selection of films and exhibitions on water sustainability themes.

Full program can be accessed here:

Invitation 12th of June Water Footprint Compensation launch event, The Netherlands


Participation at this event is by invitation only. A limited amount of places is available for contacts outside our network interested in the topic but who have not personally received the invitation.

If interested to participate, please send an email to