Water Footprint Indicator

A WF Indicator is a high-level analysis carried out in situations where lack of direct (operations) and indirect (supply chain) water data does not allow for a full Water Footprint Assessment.

Water Footprint Assessment

Goals & Scope Setting

A water footprint analysis can be undertaken for different purposes, to help a business identify water dependencies, to raise awareness, to develop a strategy or policy etc. The Scope defines the boundaries, temporal and spatial scales of the analysis.

Together, the goal and scope indicate which data will be used, how each subsequent step of the assessment will be approached and the level of detail required to achieve the desired results

Water Footprint Indicator

Goals & Scope Setting

Identical to step 1 in WFA

Water Footprint Assessment

Water Footprint Accounting

Water Footprint Indicator

Water Footprint Accounting

Water Footprint Assessment

Sustainability Assessment

Water Footprint Indicator

Hot-spot Mapping

Water Footprint Assessment

Response Formulation

Water Footprint Indicator


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