Terms & conditions

Privacy Policy

At Water Footprint Implementation (WFI), we take the privacy of you, our website visitor, very seriously. This Privacy Policy explains our practices in connection with the (personal) data we may acquire and collect if you use our website and/or that you personally give us through our online services on waterfootprint.org, such as when you subscribe for our news letter, or fill out (Partner/Donor) forms. If you disagree with any of the terms in this Privacy Policy, please discontinue use of our site immediately.
Personal information

Water Footprint Implementation may process personal information when you use our services, such as visiting waterfootprint.org, and/or when you provide this information to us yourself.
Below you can find an overview of the personal information that we potentially process:

  • First and last name
  • Sex
  • Address information
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • IP-address

Other personal information that you actively supply to us, for example in correspondence and telephone calls
Location information
Information about your activity on this website
Information about your internet behaviour on different websites
Internet browser and type of apparatus used
Bank, creditcard and other payment information

Our website and/or service does not have the intention to acquire information about website visitors under the age of 16 unless they have permission of a parent or legal guardian. However, we do not have the means to check whether a visitor is over 16 years of age. Therefore, we advise parents and guardians to be actively involved in the online behaviour of their children, to prevent the acquiring and processing of information of their children without parental consent. When you are convinced that we have acquired personal information concerning a minor without that consent, please contact us at info waterfootprint org, so that we can delete this information.


WFI processes your personal information for the following purposes:

  • The processing of your payment
  • Sending out our news letter
  • To be able to call or email you when necessary in order to provide our services
  • To inform you of any changes in our products and services
  • To offer you the opportunity to create an account
  • To deliver products and services to you
  • WFI analyses your behaviour on our website to be able to improve our website
  • WFI tracks your internet behaviour across different websites to adjust our services to your needs

WFI processes personal information when we are legally obliged to do so

Automated decision taking

WFI does not take automated decisions on matters that could have (considerable) consequences for individuals.

Storage duration

WFI does not store your personal information longer than necessary to realise the purposes for which we have acquired the information. Below you can find the storage times for the following categories of personal information:
Item > Storage time > Reason

Personalia & address information > 7 years > needed for Dutch taxes and customs administration

Email-address > 7 years > needed for Dutch taxes and customs administration

Internet behaviour > 2 years > website optimization

Computer information > 2 years > website optimization

Location information > 2 years > website optimization

IP-address > 6 months > in order that the cookie statement isn’t displayed with every page visit

Payment information > 7 years > needed for Dutch taxes and customs administration.

Third parties

WFI does not sell your personal (visitor, Partner or Professional) information to third parties, and only shares your personal information when necessary for the execution of an agreement or in order to conform to legal obligations. With companies that process your personal information on behalf of WFI, we make an agreement to warrant a similar level of security and privacy of your personal information.

Cookies or similar techniques

WFI uses functional, analytical and tracking cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is saved to the browser of your computer, tablet or smartphone when you first visit a website. WFI uses cookies with a purely technical functionality. These cookies help our website function properly and make sure your preferred configurations are remembered. These cookies are also used to optimalize our website. Moreover, we place cookies that record your internet usage, to help us potentially offer personalized content.

During your first visit to this website we have already informed you about these cookies and asked for permission to store them on your computer.

You can unsubscribe from cookies by changing your browser settings in such a way that it refuses the storing of cookies. In addition, you can remove all previously stored information in the configurations of your browser.

For more information: https://veiliginternetten.nl/themes/situatie/cookies-wat-zijn-het-en-wat-doe-ik-ermee (in Dutch)

On this website we also use cookies from third parties. These are for example social-media companies. Below you can find an overview:

[Cookie: Google Analytics
Name: site_analytics
Function: Analytical cookie that measures website use
Storage time: 2 years]

[Cookie: Google Custom Search
Name: essential
Function: Cookie for searching website
Storage time: 2 years]


You have the right to view, alter or remove your personal information. In addition, you have the right to withdraw your consent for the processing of personal information by WFI and you have the right for all of your personal information that we have stored to be handed back to you. This means that you can make a request for the transferral of your personal information that we have stored, by means of a computer file, to you, or another organization.

Requests for the viewing, altering or removal of personal information or a request for the withdrawal of consent to process your personal information, can be sent to info waterfootprint org.

To make sure that the request for viewing has been made by you, we will ask for a copy of your passport along with the request. Make sure that your photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the line with numbers on the bottom of your passport), your personal identification number and your document number, are made unreadable, in order to ensure your privacy. We will respond to your request as soon as possible, but at least within 4 weeks.

WFI also wants to bring to your attention that you have to possibility to report complaints to the Dutch national supervisor, the Authority of Personal Information. You can use the following link to do this: https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/nl/contact-met-de-autoriteit-persoonsgegevens/tip-ons (in Dutch)

Security of personal information

WFI takes the security of your personal information very seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent abuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and illegal changes in/of your personal information. When you have the impression that your personal information isn’t adequately protected, or if there are any signs of abuse of your personal information, please contact us at info waterfootprint org.

Water Footprint Implementation (WFI)
Lange Voorhout 90
2514 EJ Den Haag
The Netherlands,
has the responsibility for the processing of personal information as declared in this privacy policy.

Contact information:

Lange Voorhout 90
2514 EJ Den Haag
The Netherlands,
+31 85 071 0300